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Barnes Property

Road Rage

Soooo, how is the journey down to Cornwall going this summer ? Any queues at all ? Any Road Rage ? Holiday homes by the sea are beautiful and there is something about that fresh sea air, but if you are hoping to use your holiday home regularly, maybe most weekends, and you’d like to invite friends to stay, perhaps a property in the Cotswolds is a better proposition? With trains all over the North Cotswolds taking between 50 mins to 1 hr and a half into London and the M40, A40 and M4 to choose from for journeys under 2 hours it’s no wonder that the Cotswolds has some of the highest occupancy rates in the country for holiday homes. All Year Round. Of course we do get road blockages from time to time but they don’t last long 🐑🐑#roadrage #holidayhome #thecotswolds #property #investment #propertyadvice #propertysearch #holidaytraffic

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